Friday, November 7, 2008

Avoid foreclosure Save Your home

As Featured On Ezine Articles

The last thing that I want to happen is to lose my home. How do I recognize the early warning signs of a looming foreclosure? What is foreclosure, and what is the process of a foreclosure?
In this day and age we are expected to be experts on all the area’s that affect our daily lives, from automobiles to zoning laws. All of these areas can affect our ability to get what we want and to hold onto it.
In 2008, foreclosures were up 112% and the rate of foreclosures are expected to continue, and even increase into 2009. With at least 40% of us living from paycheck to paycheck, the prospect of losing our home is real, and could happen at any time. Especially, in the current economic crisis that is facing our nation and every citizen. More of us are and will fall into that group, living from paycheck to paycheck.
In order to protect yourself from the foreclosure process, you must understand what it is, how it happens, the early warning signs and most importantly, how to protect yourself from foreclosure.
When you purchased your home, you signed legal documents agreeing to terms and conditions between you and your mortgage lender. In those documents you agreed that if you failed to make the required payments, or could not repay the loan. The lender had the legal right to take the home, or to begin the foreclosure process.
Technically, if you fail to make your monthly mortgage payment, you are in default. Every State has different law concerning this issue, but generally, a loan that is 90 days behind on their payments can be considered in foreclosure.
Your lender may send you a notice informing you that they are beginning the foreclosure process. Most people should have known that they were having problems, but fail to take immediate action to stop, or delay the foreclosure process. Do not wait till you receive a foreclosure notice to take action, don’t put it off, and don’t try to wish it away or pretend it could not happen to you. Take steps NOW to prevent foreclosure.
 Know how to recognize the warning signs of foreclosure.
 Know the steps to take immediately to avoid foreclosure.
 Know what to do, and what not to do, if you are in foreclosure.
 Know where to get help, at the first sign of foreclosure, or if you think you may be going into a foreclosure.
Protect yourself from foreclosure
As my grandmother use to say, “An ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure”. Now is the time to educate yourself and put a plan in place, on what steps you can take to avoid, delay, or deal with a foreclosure. Don’t wait until it’s too late, don’t put it off, and don’t think it won’t happen to you.
The block I live on has eight homes, in the past year three of those homes were foreclosed on. All were hard working people with children, who never thought about losing their homes. At anytime, any of us can be hit with a serious illness, loss of a job or even the death of a loved one. These are just some of the unexpected things that can happen, that could alter family’s life. We have insurance on everything, cars, people, computers, cell phones etc…, but what insurance do you have against foreclosure? Knowledge is our insurance against the unimaginable happening, losing our home.
Take action, go to Foreclosure Defense Secrets now. Get the knowledge that you need to protect you and your family against foreclosure. Now is not the time to worry about it, now is the time to educate yourself and to be prepared.
Foreclosure Defense Secrets!

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